Author: dmcleodwp002

“Ces Petits Riens” (Serge Gainsbourg), July 12, 2019

February 11, 2024|Categories: Music|Tags: |

The musicians in this video are all Mexican with the exception of the singer who is Canadian. The band Mamaskatch Jazz Project is named after the lead singer Darrel J McLeod’s award-winning book Mamaskatch. The song “Ces Petits Riens” by Serge Gainsbourg is sung in French with a reggae beat. The bass player is Roberto Falcón, The guitarist is Rafael Zermeño, the drummer is Gary Flores.

Hermann’s Jazz Club: June 15, 2023 (2 sets)

February 11, 2024|Categories: Music|Tags: , , , |

This show was made possible with a grant from the BC Touring Council. Into the Act is a partnership program of the BC Touring Council, the Province of BC and the BC Arts Council.

Darrel J McLeod is a Nehiyaw (Cree) jazz singer originally from Northern Canada, Treaty 8 territory. He has been singing since he was a toddler, and has had extensive vocal training with masters such as Julliard trained vocalist Robert Morris and U of T MMus level jazz musician, Wes Carroll.

The Mamaskatch Jazz Project. Featuring:

Darrel McLeod – vocals
Owen Chow – trumpet
Wes Carroll – guitar
John Mossie – bass
Louis Rudner – drums

Please make a donation to support the artists performing the livestreams you can enjoy for free, and the Arts on View Society which makes all this possible.

Le Journal de Québec: Sortir de l’enfer et vivre enfin

February 11, 2024|Categories: Français|Tags: , , |

Cri du Territoire du Traité no 8 dans le nord de l’Alberta, Darrel J. McLeod raconte l’enfer des pensionnats, dans lesquels sa mère et ses tantes ont été plongées, et les drames insupportables que les gens de sa nation ont endurés – lui comme les autres – dans son premier récit, Mamaskatch. LISEZ L’ARTICLE COMPLET→

Le Devoir: Maman disait «mamaskatch»

February 11, 2024|Categories: Français|Tags: , , |

Il est une heure du matin. Un enfant entend la voix de sa mère le sommant de descendre changer le disque qui tourne à vide sur la platine du salon. La pièce sent le tabac et la bière tiède. À la radio, la nouvelle de la mort de Janis Joplin ternit les paroles s’échappant des haut-parleurs : « Take another little piece of my heart, now baby (break it). » La chanson hante un lieu que la mère, survivante des pensionnats autochtones, semble elle-même hanter. LISEZ L’ARTICLE COMPLET→

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