Tag: Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun: How should Reconciliation Day in BC be spent?

April 22, 2024|Categories: Events, News|Tags: , , , |

Whether attending a public event or and deepening private reflections, British Columbians are planning to commemorate their first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. For Cree author Darrel McLeod, this Thursday will be a day of remembrance and reflection. READ THE FULL ARTICLE→

Vancouver Sun: New memoir maps the terrain of reconciliation

January 25, 2024|Categories: Reviews|Tags: , |

Darrell J. McLeod’s memoir offers up an unflinchingly honest account of growing up as an Indigenous Canadian. The young Cree man walks down to the banks of the Athabasca, wades in and ceremoniously bathes his face and arms. He is thinking about his mother, the strong, passionate and deeply wounded woman he helped bury the day before. And he is reflecting about her tragic life and the way that tragedy informed his own painful pilgrimage across the terrain of an essentially racist Canada. READ FULL REVIEW→

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